ola!!!boring gler td seh...
kalu tk sbb ckgu nk ajr p.a
surely i'm not cming
try guess how many people come..
9 person only...
tension nyer....
all my besties tk dtg....
nsib baik ade cousin i kt lab tu...
only my kerabat know that...
btw...i miss u so much lh besties...allyn
tu lh ...npe tk jge diri tu tol tol kn dh skit...
td kite tanye abg awk taw..
"allyn tk dtg ke???"
then die ckp "tk ..die dmam"
girl..u should take care of urself...
if not how u wanna enjoy on this coming holiday....
jgn lpe mkn obat taw!!!!
kalu awk tk mkn,,,,kite bg tawu apil...
td kite nmpk die...
sweet nyer die senyum...
nnt bile awk dtg kite story telling kt awk ek...
i can't wait to go on holiday....
i miss my family in s'pore...
guys...i'm coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!